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whats more popular pizza or burgers

After my blog about peanut butter and jelly vs. grilled cheese, my friends decided to ask me if I preferred pizza or burgers. I believe that pizza is better. I like burgers, but I have to have a taste for them. I can't eat a burger at any time without having a taste for it. I feel like I can eat a pizza at any time for every meal of the day. I love pizza. I like the different sizes. I can get the different ways it can cut the fact that it's so cheesy, and I love the fact that you can put all different types of toppings on it like that I can eat multiple slices without feeling as if I overate. It's not as messy as a burger, and I like the crunch of the pizza. But this is just my opinion, and I don't think anyone else's opinion is wrong.

I do like that a burger is easy to make in a while. Like a pizza, you have to put more effort into it and make the dough; the sauce adds the cheese pizza, while as a burger, you have to mold some ground beef into a patty and throw it on the skillet, season it to your liking cook it and It's done. Add a couple of condiments and vegetables, and it's good.

Pizza - a dish of Italian origin consisting of a flat, round base of dough baked with a topping of tomato sauce and cheese, typically with added meat or vegetables

Burgers - a dish consisting of a round patty of ground beef, or sometimes another savory ingredient that is fried or grilled and typically served in a split bun or roll with various condiments and toppings.

I wanted to figure out which food was more popular, the burger or the pizza, so I asked 12 different people what they thought, and here's what they had to say.

1. De'Aujane'- I love burgers. There's so much variety. I think I prefer how solid and put together they are. Pizza is okay, but sometimes the toppings fall off, and it's enjoyable.

2. Diamond - Burger because I wouldn't say I like pizza.

3. Lanae- Pizza Because I like cheese and sometimes burgers are dry.

4. Quentin - Pizza because I like the different toppings that make it come together.

5. Kayla- Pizza because a burger is messy.

6. Chris - pizza, because it has more of a variety

7. Robert - burgers, because I'm not too fond of red paste.

8. Carol - burgers, because I like the juiciness of the beef patty.

9. Amaria - pizza because I'm not too fond of the messiness of a burger.

10. Shania - pizza because I wouldn't say I like burgers.

11. Ciera - burgers because I like them more

12. Mia - pizza because I like the different varieties of toppings.

And the winner is



This was very obvious to me considering I love pizza myself and since I thought that pizza was the better choice out of the 2.

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