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Breakfast hacks

Hello Everyone! Do you skip breakfast because you don't want to take a long time to make an excellent filling breakfast? Well, you shouldn't.

Breakfast breaks the overnight fasting period. It replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health.

So when we skip breakfast, it's just that we're already starting our day off wrong.

What if I was to tell you there are more straightforward ways to eat healthy meals on the go so you'd still have time to get your day started and also have the energy to do it. I'm here today to tell You three breakfast hacks.

The first breakfast hack is egg muffins. These are easy to make and provide many proteins, vitamins, and minerals. So first, you would take 4-5 eggs, depending on how many egg muffins you want, and add everything you would put in an omelet, whether it be ham, bacon, onions, bell pepper, cheese, or salt and pepper. Then you would spray down a muffin pan with butter. After this, you would add the scrambled egg mixture into the pan after putting cheese on top of them and baking them at 350 for 10 minutes. When you take them out, let them sit for a bit, and now you have an on-the-go omelet.

The second breakfast hack is going to be the breakfast sandwich. You need to take two pieces of bread and two eggs, scramble your eggs out into a skillet, then put the bread on top while the eggs are cooking and the bread is toasting. Cook your 2-3 pieces of bacon. After those things are cooked, flip your egg and bread to the other side, and then when it's fully cooked, add the bacon and the cheese in the middle, and now you have a nice breakfast sandwich.

The last breakfast hack will be one of the easiest things for a smoothie! You can put a cup of milk with some fruit of your choice and then you can put some honey or sugar, whichever you prefer for a sweetener. Blend it in a blender until smooth, and then boom, great little breakfast.

I hope you use these breakfast hacks because I know I will be continuing to use them.

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