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  • lk124419

The experiment

When I was younger, I loved peanut butter. I would eat fudge peanut butter, peanut butter cups, a spoon of peanut butter, and anything peanut butter. So one day, I wanted to make peanut butter cookies, but when I went to make them, I went to the kitchen and put everything a youtube video told me into a bowl. Then I put them into the oven, but they did not turn out to be a cookie when they cooked. It was more like a brownie. I still liked it, and I still ate it. It was chewy, not the continuity of a cookie. It tasted like brownie brittle, just not as hard.

As I grew, I kept making them each time, critiquing the recipe. I added butter finger pieces one day, and I thought it was delicious. Ever since I've been making peanut butter mysteries, I was never sure what to call them because they were too chewy to be a brownie but too big and bulky to be a cookie. This is my brother's favorite dessert that I make and used to be mine. I enjoy making these mysterious desserts because it's the recipe that I designed myself. Even though they don't always look the best, they always taste the best.

Today I decided to remake these delicious peanut butter mysteries.


1 cup of peanut butter

1/2 cup of butter

1/2 cup of brown sugar

1/2 cup of sugar

1 cup of flour

2 tsp of vanilla

butter finger candy

Here is what they looked like when I was done


I took some to school to see what my friends might think of my mysterious desserts. Here is what they had to say.

Kassy- I liked the butter Finger. It was nice I don't know what I was eating, but I liked it.

Jamaya - I was different from what I thought it would taste like. I liked the consistency, and it was good.

Teaanea - I wouldn't say I liked It, but I also did not like it. It was too much peanut butter, but I did like the candy.

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