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Just the beginning

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

My Name Is Lydia Kennedy, and welcome to my blog. Ever since I was younger, I watched my mom In the kitchen cooking. Whether she was making a big meal or a small snack, I was always excited to see her cook. Some of my favorite times were when I was helping her. I was always excited when the holidays came around because I was able to help her prepare the food. From these experiences, I have made cooking one of my many hobbies. Out of all of the thing's to cook, One of my favorite things to cook is desserts.

Desserts are the most complicated and satisfying things to make for me. I started with making cakes, and with cakes, I moved on to cupcakes, brownies, cookies, and so much more.

I remember making my first cake. My mom told me the cake "tasted like air" even though this was upsetting, I did not back out of cooking; I kept baking, and the more I did, the better, but the day I liked it when I gave my mom another cake I made, and she liked the cake so much she ate most of it.

Not long after this, my family would start asking me to make cakes for our family get-togethers. This made me able to try new things and improve my skills. I would make cakes for people's birthdays, game nights, Christmas, Easter, etc.

Since I have been making desserts for a while, and I like making desserts the most, I have decided to talk about it for most of my blog.

But even though I do enjoy making desserts, I still like to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner courses. I will be making your easy everyday meals, but I will be making desserts my main show.

Since deserts are my favorite things to make, I will be telling you how I last made a chocolate cake.

1 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder

⅓ cup of sugar

⅓ cup of brown sugar

Two eggs

1 cup of milk

1 tsp of baking soda

1 tsp of vanilla extract

After mixing all of the ingredients one by one, I put them into a cake pan and bake the cake at 365 degrees Fahrenheit.

After my cake is baked, I put it in the refrigerator to cool.

While the cake is cooling, I melt some rich and creamy chocolate icing from Walmart and melt it down. Then I take some Hershey bars and melt them down as well. After the two substances are melted. I accept the cake and pour the icing on top of the cake.

I put the Hershey chocolate on top in places so that it can make a design. After the icing cools down, it is ready to eat.

Here is a picture of how my cake looked when I was done.

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